Today is Sunday, 29th March 2020
I´m very proud of you guys, you did a fantastic job for "THE WORLD´S THEATRE´S DAY"!!!
You have sent me yesterday these, I expect to recibe more so ...go on! I can´t wait!
Unai Rial Núñez/5ºB:
Mara Rodríguez Pardo/5ºB:
Ramón Suárez Otero/5ºB:
Sergio Santos Ríos/5ºB:
Sabela Señoráns Dacosta/5ºB
Catuxa Suárez Vázquez/5ºB
Martina Señoráns Gondar/5ºB

Ainara Ozores Meixús/5ºB
Sofía Otero Fontes/5ºA
Noa Dios Piñeiro /5ºA
Vera Parada Otero/4ºB
Gabriel Vázquez Señoráns/5ºB

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